This blog will look at environmental and political issues that will affect the quality of life for future generations of all species. Including; sustainability, media labels of "environmental issues," and different kinds of resistance to environmental oppression. I will also post on anything I think someone interested in the aforementioned would be interested in...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Bush vetoes free healthcare for children

The bill that was passed in US congress would have added $35 billion over 5 years, providing 4 million US children with health insurance... congress was 15 votes short of overriding the veto...
[full article]

It's important to remember that the US economy is based on the most horrific plundering of natural resources in human history... not just their own ecosystems, but many third-world countries victim to the fist of capitalism...

Where the money comes from is disgusting... but what it is mostly spent on... war and oil proliferation... it's sad... how will future generations judge us? Ignorance is not innocence

... the US spends 80 billion a year maintaining it's overseas standing armies in Europe and SouthEast Asia, in countries that ALREADY HAVE national armies...
.... more than enough to pay for the childcare bill AND all US post-secondary students tuition
for a full year!

don't forget the non-economic costs... the waste of life (not simply human)... and what the profits of this pillaging of the earth are being used for...

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