This blog will look at environmental and political issues that will affect the quality of life for future generations of all species. Including; sustainability, media labels of "environmental issues," and different kinds of resistance to environmental oppression. I will also post on anything I think someone interested in the aforementioned would be interested in...

Friday, November 9, 2007

A nuclear future for Saskatchewan!

Saskatchewan has just surrendered the next four years of it's future to the hybrid liberal-conservatives of the Sask Party... current estimates (not official for at least a couple weeks) put the Sask Party in another bipartisan majority legislature with ~38 seats versus an slightly more left NDP opposition of ~20 seats...

what does this meen for Saskatchewan? for Saskatchewan's children?

A politicaly wiser-than-me friend predicts...
"a largely moderate legislative agenda, with incentives to encourage capital investment in the province, the development of resources like oil, diamonds and uranium, and the announcement sooner rather than later of the building of a nuclear reactor in this province."
(word on the street is that the 3 major provincial party leaders {not sure about Sandra Finley} as well as several candidates read his blog!)

... points to remember when watching that film...
-Most of the nuclear bombs in the world have a little piece of SASKATCHEWAN URANIUM in them
-The U.S. currently refines SASKATCHEWAN URANIUM in two coal-fired (LOTS of green-house-gas emmissions) plants... the DEPLETED URANIUM is then used in various nuclear and pseudo-nuclear weapons used by the US in Afghanistan and Iraq... AGAINST CIVILIAN POPULATIONS!
(for further details... scroll down and read the open letter...)
-various NUCLEAR and URANIUM corporations contribute financially to the Sask party!

... lets hope that enough bleeding hearts unite to stop further nuclear proliferation here in saskatchewan


Ryan "lastdrive' said...

I do understand your environmental concern and issues with supporting the creation of nuclear war heads. However, I'm going to approach this topic quite differently. First, I believe the Sask Party are an integral part of economic prosperity in our province. Regarding nuclear power, well, Ontario has been doing it for years. I guess my point is that this is not archaic technology. We have discovered how to efficiently manage nuclear power production. Moreover, it only takes a short visit to Shand or Boundary Dam near Estevan to really see just how 'environmentally friendly' Sasks' power production currently is.

In response to your question, "what does this meen for Saskatchewan? for Saskatchewan's children?" -It means economic competitiveness which results in job creation, improved infrastructure, and aggregate wealth. In other words, I think resource extraction is key for the future of our province and our children.

Trees for our children... said...

I think renewable and sustainable sources of energy is key for the future of our province and children... and that you are sadly another victim of successful corprate propaganda.

Louise said...

I think that since it's a recurring theme, you should learn how to spell corporate.

Trees for our children... said...

... thanks for pointing that out Louis!

Actually though, I purposefully am a bit careless with my grammar and spelling... I use it as a test to expose closed-minded right-wing capitalists who believe in the bottom line... It has long been a practice to attack the personal qualifications (in this case spelling) of those whom they cannot attack the truth of what they are saying...

so I take your criticisms as a compliment... and also the fact that you've read so far down my blog as to discover this...

I would welcome you to check further articles for spelling and grammar...

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