... this is just a short blog to point out that the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is more powerful today then it ever has been... mainly because MIC corporations have long controlled the United States, and their reach is gaining strength...
It is no wonder the United States has been at war with one country or another for over 50 years... the military-defense industry is the most profitable in the entire corporate sector...
The military industrial complex is interconnected with other profit-accountable corporations such as the nuclear industry, oil, and Big Pharma... essentially any profit-motivated corporate sector...
MIC has turned war into a profitable commodity... profits shared by a shrinking coporate elite that has heavy influence and involvement in global, national, provincial, and local politics...
Now do the horrendous wars in Vietnam and Iraq make sense? In an economic-based trans-national corporate agenda society, where profits are power and progress... These wars are justifiably `right.`
This dominant MIC ideology is a majour factor in the ongoing ignorance and apathy in regards to preventing anthropomorphic climate change...
COUNTLESS lives, ecosystems, and entire species have already been lost in the name of profit; past, present, and future.
Canada is only a little less directly responsible for (or infected by) the MIC...
How much public money is wasted on subsidies/research on non-renewable or military technological subsidies?
Pretty much all of it (a source)
Ignoring climate change is more expensive than preventing it... unless you are one of few corporate elites profiting from the destruction of life as we know it on this planet (and dont care about the legacy your leaving your children, and all the countless unborn)...

Billy boy, you are using technology right here and now that was created by the Military Industrial Complex. Doesn't that make you complicit in all these horrendous crimes?
Does Professor Harding ever tell you what the Soviet Union was doing for most of those 50 years and even before then? Hmmmm? Me thinks there are some rather large gapping holes in the indoctrination you have been fed.
I admit... being born in privelege makes me feel a bit guilty... thats whay Id rather speak out and use my privelege to change things... rather than accepting the horrible broken world I wake up to every morning...
Ignorance is Not Innocence...
"Once you've seen, you can't unsee. And once you've seen, doing nothing becomes just as political an act as speaking out. Either way, your accountable." -Arundhati Roy
Louise there's a name for the illogical tactic you use in your second paragraph and you know what it's called! The one in the first paragraph is part of the culture of denial and can (and should) be easily ignored.
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